
Welcome to Part 6 of our comprehensive Excel tutorial series on stock portfolio analysis! in urdu|Stock Portfolio and odashboar in excel mean variance standard deviation systemaic risk un systematic risk part 6

2023-12-10 4 Dailymotion

Welcome to Part 6 of our comprehensive Excel tutorial series on stock portfolio analysis! in urdu
FIN 4300
Project Objectives
This project provides an introduction to investments in financial assets. It is also an exercise for students to understand their attitudes toward risk and the risk-return relationship presented in financial markets. It will offer an opportunity to examine risks, their measurements, and how they are embedded in asset prices. It would deliver a better intuition about asset pricing models introduced in the course.
Due date:
Download datasets
• Pick 5-8 stocks of your choice from the SP 500 index.
• Download data from https://finance.yahoo.com , it can be of daily or monthly
• Download data 10-year Treasury bond yield data from
https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/DGS10 to get return estimates of risk-free
investments from 2012 to 2022.
• Download data from 2010 to 2022:
1. Use data from 2012 to 2022 to gain insights into assets' historical
distributions (it is your choice if you want to use one year or more, explain
2. Use data from 2021 to 2022 to perform out-of-sample performance
Manipulate the datasets and examine risk and returns relationship
• Reorganize the historical data into pivot tables to have the ability to assess the risk
embedded in each stock and its expected return:
1. Obtain expected returns
2. Obtain The standard deviation of returns to assess stocks’ total risk
3. Decompose their total risk into unsystematic and systematic risk
4. Obtain the Sharpe ratio to assess the risk-reward relationship of each asset
5. Assess down tail risk by calculating the value at risk and the Expected
shortfall of each stock
6. Create a dashboard to display information regarding the distribution
FIN 4300
Construct risky portfolio
Notes: assume that there is no shorting, no leverage, and you invest 100% of your money.
• Based on the risk profile, construct the optimal risky portfolio based on the stocks
• Construct the equal-weighted portfolio
• Construct the minimum variance portfolio
• Provide and display graphically the efficient frontier
Construct complete portfolio
• After obtaining your risky optimized portfolio
• Create your complete portfolio and use the Capital asset allocation line following
your risk appreciation.
In this video, we delve into advanced statistical metrics, including mean, variance, standard deviation, beta, variance, skewness, and kurtosis. Learn how to calculate and interpret these crucial measures to make informed investment decisions.

Excel Dashboard Included!
We've also crafted a powerful Excel dashboard to visualize your stock portfolio's performance, providing a holistic view of risk and return.